Pleasant finger massage: This set contains 10 acupressure rings for finger massages. The finger massage is based on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture techniques. You can use the massage rings to activate reflex zones and thus relax better and revitalize your body and mind. Treat yourself to some relaxation in between!
For stressed hands: The gentle massage with the acupressure rings can have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and is ideal for people who put a lot of strain on their fingers and hands, such as climbers, craftsmen, sculptors and more. The soothing rings can also relieve some pain. Do something good for your fingers and keep them flexible!
Various techniques: The acupressure rings can be moved up and down from the crook of the finger to the fingertip several times a day, for example. This allows you to massage your fingers easily and unobtrusively when you are on the move, whether on the train, bus or in the office.
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